A Letter From The Supervisor
Mike Shackel
Township Supervisor
The Lemont Township Board, at the August 8th, 2023, Board Meeting, voted to authorize the finalization of an Architectural Services Agreement. The Lemont Township Board has approved the process to build an addition to the Lemont Township Community Center, located at 16300 Alba Street, Lemont, Illinois.
This is not a new development. During the January 12, 2020, Board Meeting, the Lemont Township Board (Board) approved the plans to build the addition to the Community Center. However, a few months later, the COVID crisis put those plans on hold. In addition, the original Community Center design and footprint provided for the addition to be added on the west side of the building on a future date.
The Board is committed to fiscal responsibility and efficiency. In the past year, the Board has been studying the feasibility of the addition, and the Board has decided that it is in the best interest of Lemont Township to build the addition and sell the facilities at 1115 Warner Avenue, Lemont, Illinois.
Lemont Township currently operates two facilities, and both are underutilized. The Warner Avenue location costs over $70,000 annually to maintain, and the building is starting to need major repairs. The Board has made the decision based on the following reasons:
- Having all staff and programming located under one roof, which allows us better efficiency and the ability to directly serve our residents;
- Utilizing the distinct and idyllic space at the Community Center;
- Saving money by not servicing two underutilized buildings; and
- Returning the Warner Avenue facility to the private sector, which generates revenue for the community as well as removing the costs from the taxpayers.
The Board recognizes there is an upfront cost to build the addition, and the Board has set the money aside for construction costs. Based on current construction market rates, as well as the money set aside, the Board is tentatively considering reduction of our Tax Levy (“the money we ask from taxpayers”) for the upcoming fiscal year. In time, the Township will achieve cost savings.
The design plans will soon be available for view both on our website and at the Warner Avenue location. Any questions can be directed to Lemont Township Supervisor Mike Shackel at 630-257-2522, extension 114.