About Us

Our History

Lemont Township was founded in 1850, and for the past 175 years, the Township has worked hard to provide residents and community members with beneficial programs, general assistance for people in need, road maintenance work, and fair property assessment.
We are working for you to provide both senior and family programs through an active Community Center situated on a 64-acre sanctuary including passive recreational areas and a dog park. We also offer health assistance through initiatives such as our food pantry emergency relief programs and our many community partnerships with service agencies to aid in the well-being of our residents.
The public is invited to our monthly Board Meetings that are held at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the Township Office located at 16300 Alba Street.
- Our Mission

The Board Members and Trustees of Lemont Township are committed to providing useful programs and essential services that enhance the lives of our residents by:
- Responding to the needs and concerns of the residents of the Township
- Preserving the honor and beauty of our community
- Maintaining our roadways to ensure the safety of our residents and visitors
- Employee Compensation

Section 7.3 of the Open Meetings Act requires all employers participating in IMRF to post on its website the total compensation package for each employee having a total compensation package that exceeds $75,000 per year within six days of approving its budget. Total compensation is defined as payment by the employer to the employee for salary, health insurance, a housing allowance, a vehicle allowance, a clothing allowance, bonuses, loans, vacation days granted, and sick days granted.
Compensation information for all Lemont Township employees is available by submitting a FOIA request. Please click this link to submit an email request to Lisa Kairis, Township Administrator.